Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Testimoni sarah - " starting with the very first: Breastfeeding Set and then continued with Weight and Slimming Set, and Beauty Set."

Assalamualaikum wbr Kak Cery,

It is now the year of 2015. Dah banyak kenangan manis dan pahit telah dilalui

since I took that leap of faith to do Shaklee as a part-time online business. The

year of 2010, is the year Sarah first knew about Shaklee from a close friend. Dan

Sarah mula jatuh cinta with not just the products but also the Brand ‘Shaklee’

itself. Unlike any other products, Sarah betul betul dapat merasai perbezaan

selepas consume Shaklee. It was a dream come true. As a consumer, I fell in

love with the ‘Effect’. The ‘Effect’ that changed not just my life, but the changes

I could see with the people around me. I was filled with postiveness and soon it

became like a ‘Ripple Effect’ without me knowing, I began to share this

excitement with my loved ones. The first thing I would do whenever receiving

my ‘Shaklee Package’ fresh from the Mailbox was tell my husband. Telling and

showing him the amount of time invested into researching on the internet, finding

legit information and compliing the real-life testimonials on Shaklee sehingga

Sarah sanggup tidor 2am atau 3am just to keep on reading and reading. Of

course, the energy and time spent into investing this information and knowledge

that I have gained. A question came into mind? What am I going to do with all

this information? The best way to measure up all this information is to do self-
experiement on myself. The first thing that I needed to do was ‘Prove’ to my

husband that all the time and energy invested into this ‘Treasure Box’ was worth-
while. And I began to slowly experiment with other products inline with Shaklee,

starting with the very first: Breastfeeding Set and then continued with Weight

and Slimming Set, and Beauty Set. Dengan izin Allah, all my efforts on

researching on the difference between Healthy Naturally and Healthy

Synthetically, Sarah di uji dengan bermacam-macam types of health conditions

seperti Hepatitas A, lump found on breasts, inflammatory of heart chamber,

bronctitas and most recent is Impetigo. Through-out my experience, Shaklee

has been a loyal companion to me through-out my trials and tribulations. And

has proven to me many times, over and over again that Shaklee is the REAL-
DEAL. With the blessings of my husband and much discussion with my Mentor,

Kak Cda, I have taken that leap-of faith to do Shaklee Online and I am still here

till this very day with Shaklee. It is a blessing to be able to hear the many positive

feedback that I have heard from loved ones, cilents, family and friends. The

experiements, time and energy invested into building a home of healthy-lifestyle

is not easy, trying to change the mindsets of others is not a breeze, trying to

educate the society on the difference between Healthy-Naturally and Healthy

Synthetically is not an easy task. But I know in my heart that Shaklee can make

a difference if we ‘SHARE’ the goodness of Shaklee with others. Try to vision

that beyond every Shaklee Seal that is broken around the world, tells a story of

an individual, a family or even a group. That Shaklee broken seal is like a pen,

the pen that will mark a change into someone’s life. From the moment the person

receives their package, opening the products till finishing the bottle or

canister.Each individual tell their own story of how Shaklee made a significant

difference to them. And that is the ‘Ripple Effect. They will soon share that effect

with others. And you can be apart of that Ripple Effect.

As I share a quote from one my posts on ‘Beautiful & Charming Group’, Shaklee

is not here to conquer the Ocean, but to make the Ocean a better place for

everyone in it. We all have a choice of being healthy by watching what we invest

in our bodies.

Here I leave you with one of my favourite quotes:-

“The Human Being is unique, only it alone can create, recognize and exceise

options. It is part of human uniqueness that we are endoweded with the faculty

of Choice” – Norman Cousins

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